Sunday, September 16, 2007

Exercise 2

Exercise 2

CHAPTER –2 The Project Management and Information Technology Context

Exercise 5 (page 66)
Write a one – to two page summary of an article about the importance of top management support for successful information technology projects.


The important features that leads a project to success is the top management support which in turn can lead the project the way to victory. Top management plays a key role in developing a project. There are several factors that can lead a project to success. One of the factors is that the highly skilled project managers are assigned for the project work and the way they are using the best processes for management which can lead the project to success. It is not that the project manager can alone capable to handle the project works but it is necessary to have a support of top management because without the support of top management the project can overdue or tends to fail.

A project is a part of the organisation so in order to achieve success top level management support is necessary. Top management can help project leaders by providing support through adequate resources. Resources can be funds, decision making, equipments and man power. Through by providing this kinds of resources by the top management at the time when it is needed can make a massive difference. Top management must provide services needed by the project leader when necessary and also help him to deal or co – operate with the third parties. Sometimes there may lead to situations where the project manager can’t handle the task alone. So, co – operation of top management is needed in order to perform the task well. Sometimes project can be affected by the problems related to political issues which can become out of control for project manager; top management should help project manager in order to keep focus on the project. (Schwalbe, P51)

Supportive environment is really worth for successful projects. For a project development team top management support is considered as a heart for them because it gives full support all the time and encourages the team in completion of the project. There are several factors that the top management need to focus they are as follows:

1. Organisation basic requirements.
2. Useful & right methodology.
3. Executive summary.
4. Skilled project managers.
5.A high standard software infrastructure.
6. Trustworthy estimates.

Organisation basic requirements: This factor plays an important role for project success. It is always considered good to first collect basic requirements and then work further in the project. This will minimise the chance of seldom changes. Regardless, it is also useful in deciding the next phase for the project. Moreover, it is also beneficial to project manager in terms of making themselves prepared in order to articulate priorities and needs which is helpful them in the next phase.

Useful & right methodology: One reason for the top management to keep this factor as a key factor in order to develop a successful project because, it basically depends on the user requirements. Although, every project strategy or method may vary in terms of the requirements arises. So, the top management must use the right methodology by focusing on user requirements. Top management in order to build good strategy should use project structure.

Executive support: This factor has much more influence on projects processes and progress. The top management must give project manager executive rights so that the manager can take right decisions which can be helpful in the project progress. Moreover, the project manager doesn’t have to ask for permission for taking decisions. So, the project can be finished with in the time limit.

Skilled project manager: Behind every successful project there is a experienced and high skilled project manager. It is also based on top management support that how it helps project manager in performing various tasks.

A high standard software infrastructure: Top management should adopt a stable infrastructure. That is it should support for the standard software rather than the free trail software in order to run project smoothly. And this in turn will be easy for the project team by making the process simple and they don’t face any miserable conditions.

Trustworthy estimates: This factor is also important to make the project successful because top management must approach systematic project estimation. So, this will help the project manager to take right decisions. As every organisation wants to complete the project in budget, so this is possible through top management support.


Software Magazine and Wiesner Publishing 2001, Collaborating on Project Success, viewed 24 August, 2007,
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Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat 2006, An Enhanced Framework for the Management of Information Technology Projects, Ottawa, Canada, viewed 25 August, 2007,

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