Sunday, September 16, 2007

Assignment Cover Sheet


Assignment Cover Sheet

Student Name: __NANCY CHRISTIAN___________________ Student No: ___CSU - 11386111____
Subject Name: Information Technology Project Management Subject Code: __ITC - 493______
Lecturer: __Nathan Ekambareshwar__________________ Assignment No: __1(one)______

Penalty on late assignments
Penalty for late submission of assignment without obtaining lecturer’s approval for an extension will be 10% deduction per day, including weekends, of the maximum marks allocated for the assignment, ie 1 day late – 10% deduction, 2 days late – 20% deduction.


The University treats plagiarism very seriously. Plagiarism is included under the Student Academic Misconduct Rule as published in the Rules and Regulations section of the academic handbook.
I am aware of the University’s requirement for academic integrity ( plagiarism/) and I declare that my assignment is my own work and conforms with these requirements.
I certify that the attached assignment is solely my work, based on my personal study and research. I also certify that appropriate and full acknowledgment has been made of all sources used in the preparation of this assignment.

Signature of Student: NANCY CHRISTIAN Assignment Due Date: 16th September 2007

Assessment Feedback
Additional sheet attached q


Less Penalty

Marker’s signature
Grade Awarded

Student Assignment Receipt
Student Name: ___NANCY CHRISTIAN_____________ Student No: __CSU - 11386111________
Subject Name: Information Technology Project Management Subject Code: _ITC 493_____
Lecturer: ___Nathan Ekambareshwar______________ Assignment No: ___1(one)_______
Date Received (stamp & signature)

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