Sunday, September 16, 2007

Exercise 1

Exercise 1

CHAPTER – 1 Introduction to Project Management

Exercise 3 (page 34)

Search the Internet for the terms project management, project management careers, project portfolio management, and information technology project management. Write down the number of hits you received for each of these phrases. Find at least three Web sites that provide interesting information on one of the topics. In a one – to two-page paper, summarize key Management Institute’s Web site (

Search results for the following phrases are as shown below:

Project management: Results about 158,000,000 for project management (0.18 seconds)

Project management careers: Results about 11,300 for project management careers (0.09 seconds)

Project portfolio management: Results about 1,710,000 for project portfolio management (0.14 seconds)

Information technology project management: Results about 135,000 for information technology project management (0.12 seconds)

The search result for the phrase “Project Management “gives large number of links to the website, among them (Australian Institute of Project Management), (Free Management Library) and (Project Management) are more informative.

The key role of (The Australian Institute of Project Management (AIPM)) is to encourage its project manager and directors as well as project team members by providing skills and knowledge in order to achieve its business objectives. Even the mission statement of AIPM is “… to promote and progress the profession of project management in Australia.” That reveals its goals and objectives. Moreover, it also considers the people outside the project team or other community to bring awareness about its achieving of business objectives and that also shows in its vision statement that is “Our Vision is for project management to be recognised as the preferred process for achieving objectives at all levels across industry, government and the community”. There are several goals of AIPM such as to spread awareness, to advance its globalisation and to grow its membership. (Free Management Library) is online library which gives a facility through providing information of project management to all the people in project management section. Moreover, it deals with how the project management is planned and constructed to build a computer system. It has its aim behind building a computer system by expanding its project plan, better management through controlling the plan by managing its critical path.
This website provides extensive resources on various subjects of management and leadership. It gives in depth information regarding various phases that are considered in project management such as viability study, planning, implementation and maintenance. It also provides knowledge of the major factors that play a vital role in making the project management successful are their problems solving techniques, its project team, group guidance and meeting, and variance management. (Project Management), it mainly focuses on providing knowledge with project management related information such as white paper, case studies, links, references and tools Moreover, it provides PMBOK guide for guidance and support for an organisation. This website provides assistance to various industries like IT, finance and construction. In addition, it also provides several types of resources which are helpful to increase the productivity as well helpful to project managers to do their work more efficiently. The company comprises of its own consultancy organisation which provides solutions regarding Microsoft project, provides training and consultation to its customers. (Project Management Institute (PMI)), is one of the leading website which provides information regarding project management and is foremost membership alliance for the professions related to the project management. Its main aim is to set high standards of professionals, provides important information and carries out researches.
PMI focuses through worldwide in order to satisfy the needs of the professionals of project management. It has been recognized as a leader which leads the way to deal with project management. Moreover, it comprises of community of 240,000 members from various 160 countries. Apart from that, it also contains various resources for career progression, knowledge, and standards for professionals, education and professional advancement and networking. It also has certain objectives which involves career development and business solutions.


Australian Institute of Project Management 2007, Australian Institute of Project Management, Sydney, NSW, Australia, viewed 20 August, 2007, < >.

Free Management Library 2007, What is Free Management Library, Authenticity Consulting, LLC, viewed 20 August, 2007,
< >.

Project Management 2003, Project Management, viewed 21 August, 2007,
< >.

Project Management Institute 2007, Who We Are, Project Management Institute, Inc., Pennsylvania, USA, viewed 21 August, 2007,

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